Saturday, March 30, 2013

2nd Week: Paper Mosaic

After a successful first week, we started off our next project on the concept of Mosaic Art. After briefly talking about what mosaic art meant in  Islamic architecture, I showed them some pictures. The girls were fascinaed by the beauty and intricate design work.


 For this class, Paper Mosaic was a perfect project to get an idea of how different colored paper tiles when put together create a similar effect.
I wanted to show kids a simple still life with a falling shadow so that they could create light and shade in their drawings with the use of different toned colored paper.
This is how we developed our project.

For the blue vase, children were given three shades of blue paper strips. They could then rip small pieces (tiles) and glue them on their drawings.

After the vase, the green stems were filled in with these 3 shades of green paper.

The table on which the vase was placed was built using the three shades of brown.

Black is filled in for shadow.

  Next comes the background with these gold tones.

The mouth of vase has black, gray & some white.

Here's how it looks after every nook & corner is filled in with 'paper

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Art Class at the MCNA4Girls Sunday Program, Seattle, WA

1st Week: Optical Illusion

Our first art class went very well. The project stirred quite an excitement among girls. 
We started our lesson with a brief defintition of Optical Illusion and what it means to different people. I gave them a short history of Victor Vaserly, who started the Opt Art movement. The girls were quite amazed to see the different optical illusion prints and how they tricked the eyes.
This was a perfect art lesson for our very first class because it used very few basic supplies, simple and easy with impressive results!
First, I showed this sample design.

And guided them with step by step instructions.

The girls started working on their drawing with a lot of enthusiasm. They were free to choose colors and however they want to design the layout. I did not want to restrict them in using only two colors and encouraged them to make their own ccolor choices. Results were stunning!
Here's one almost ready to be signed by the young artist :)

Here's another with interesting color choices.
Look at these! The colors pop up right at you!